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Modular Topic Design

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


SG20 advised that [P1389R0] should move away from a linear stage-based model into a more modular topic-based model. This proposal aims to start the discussion for evaluating the the class of modules that are suitable for curriculum guidelines.

1. Change log

1.1. From P1725R0 to P1725R1

1.1.1. Changes initiated by the author

  1. adds concurrent debugging

  2. revises contract to design-by-contract to keep the theme of the topic, while distancing P1725 from the contracts language feature

  3. replaces contract (specifically in the functions module) with 'pre-conditions, post-conditions, assertions', to keep the theme of the topic, while distancing P1725 from the language feature

1.1.2. Changes initiated by SG20

The following items were added to the list of modules and topics, as requested by SG20 in Cologne.

We would like to see the following added to the 'C++ Compilation Model' module.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

We would like to see the following added to the 'Error handling' module.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

We would like to see a module for 'meta-error handling (coping)' introduced to P1725.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

We would like to see the following topics added to the 'meta-error handling (coping)' module.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

We prefer for 'meta-error handling (coping)' to be adopted by the ‘tools’ module.

Poll result:

2 1 3 2 3

We would like to see a 'compile-time programming' module adopted into P1725.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

We would like to see the following topics added to the 'compile-time programming' module.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

We encourage the author to continue working on P1725.

Poll result: Unanimous consent.

2. Motivation

It was noted in the SG20 Kona face-to-face that learning is an iterative process, requring malleability, and that the stages outlined in P1389 were too rigid and linear; this might be too restrictive on curriculum design as a result. This proposal sets out to ask SG20 to discuss the ideas behind a set of topic modules where stages are embedded into a module. The benefit of the guidelines having sets of topics as opposed to sets of stages is that teachers will be able to formulate their own curricula more easily.

P1389R0 stated that that a student should be able to meet all of the objectives and satisfy all of the outcomes in Stage 1 before they are ready to progress to Stage 2, and so on. This means that there are some unrelated topics that are coupled together. In hindsight, the author of P1389 also acknowledges that the sets of stages is closer to a prescibed curriculum than intended. For example, some of P1389’s Stage 1 has algorithms, basic I/O, computation constructs, containers, contracts, and designing and using classes. None of these topics are strictly related, but Stage 2 is completely blocked until all the topics in Stage 1 are exhausted. Since P1389 advises derived types be introduced in Stage 2 -- and Stage 2 is blocked until Stage 1 is completed -- P1389 excludes the possibility of a curriculum introducing derived types as a part of the class design topic, despite it has no real dependency on basic I/O.

If P1389 or its successor were to advise modules of topics, where strict dependencies are outlined, then this would make it possible for both curriculum designs in the previous paragraph to co-exist and still conform to the recommendations outlined in the 'Standing Document for Teaching C++ to C++ Novices with Programming Experience' (P1389’s target). This will help shape the Standing Documents that SG20 outputs, so that they are significantly less prescriptive, and satisfy the advisory role outlined in the SG20 charter, as opposed to accidentally becoming a prescriptive curriculum.

3. Design goals

It should be noted that while P1725 suggests a handful of modules and topics that fall within those modules, it is by no means an exhaustive list of either. Furthermore, P1725R0 does not make any attempt to draw a dependency graph among the topics listed in each topic. The author is requesting the help of SG20 to formulate an exhaustive list of modules and topics, as well as a strong dependency graph that will help teachers structure their curricula.

These modules are designed to have their own assoicated objectives and outcomes. A curriculum’s objectives are essentially a contract between a student and the course. By the end of a course, a student should have developed certain knowledge, understanding, and skills about particular topics. These are assessable through course outcomes, which advise that a student should be able to do something related with that knowledge, or related to that skill. For example, Table 1 outlines a few objectives and outcomes from a hypothetical introductory C++ course.

Note: Table 1 is an example set of objectives and outcomes for a particular hypothetical course and is deliberately incomplete: P1725 is not proposing the contents of Table 1 be added to any document published by SG20.

Objective Outcome
Students will develop A student
1. knowledge and understanding about how software engineers build systems
chooses the correct data structures, algorithms, libraries, and tools for engineering software
consults the most appropriate resources for building a system
2. knowledge and understanding about why testing is an important for software development
designs unit-tests to validate that the individual components of their are correct
designs integration-tests to validate that their individual components work together to provide the correct solution
3. knowledge and understanding about why benchmarking is important for software development
designs benchmarks to prove that one choice is "more efficient" than another
4. knowledge and understanding about software engineering tools
chooses the correct tools to help solve the problem
5. skills in the C++ programming language
wirtes programs that correctly sovle the problem using C++
writes programs that take advantage of modern C++ programming techniques
reads and understands existing C++ code to understand the current state of a solution
modifies or extends existing C++ code without the need for major rewrites to well-written code

4. A non-exhausive list of modules

Table 2 outlines a non-exhaustive list of modules and their related topics. The modules are not listed in a meaningful order; instead, they are listed so that the table is evenly formatted.

C++ compilation model
  • declarations
  • definitions
  • headers
  • modules
  • translation units
  • linkage
  • phases of translation
  • separate compilation
  • macros
  • name mangling
  • constant expressions
  • constant evaluation
  • build systems
  • heterogeneous compilation
  • extern "C"
Error handling
  • design-by-contract
  • exception handling
  • sum types as error handling
  • C-style error-codes
  • errno
  • static_assert
  • classes of errors (e.g. compile-time, linker, run-time, logic)
  • bug vs exceptional situation
Meta-error handling
  • Run-time debugging
  • Compile-time debugging
  • Coping with build errors
  • Parallel debugging
  • Concurrent debugging
Compile-time programming
  • constexpr-programming (includes constinit)
  • consteval-programming
  • template meta-programming
  • preprocessor meta-programming
  • static_assert, SFINAE, requires-expressions
  • character I/O
  • from-string conversions
  • file I/O
  • GUIs (using a third-party library)
  • to-string conversions
C++ object model
  • copy semantics
  • constant expressions
  • constant objects
  • constructors
  • conversions
  • destructors
  • free store
  • lambdas
  • move semantics
  • objects
  • pass-by-value
  • pass-by-reference
  • pointers
  • references
  • references-to-const
  • reference semantics
  • resources
  • rule-of-five
  • rule-of-zero
  • scope
  • smart pointers
  • special member functions
  • types
  • values
  • value semantics
  • calling functions
  • pre-conditions, post-conditions, assertions
  • function templates
  • lambdas
  • member functions
  • overloading
  • parameters
  • pass-by-value
  • pass-by-reference
  • returning multiple values
  • return value optimisation
  • user-defined literals
  • virtual functions
User-defined types
  • access
  • class templates
  • constructors
  • data members
  • derived types
  • destructors
  • friends
  • interface inhertiance
  • member functions
  • optional and variant as sum types
  • rule-of-five
  • rule-of-zero
  • special member functions
  • static members
  • structs and classes as product types
  • user-defined literals
  • variable templates
  • virtual functions
Program design
  • algorithms
  • concepts
  • containers
  • design-by-contract
  • contributing to a pre-existing project
  • error handling
  • interface inheritance
  • I/O design
  • iterators
  • ranges
  • resource handling
Type system
  • conversions
  • fundamental types
  • function overloading
  • scoped enumerations
  • template type parameters
  • user-defined types
  • build system
  • compiler
  • continuous integration
  • debugger
  • formatter
  • IDE
  • libraries
  • linter
  • optimiser
  • package manager
  • test tools
  • version control
History of C++
No topic suggestions at present.
Interop with C
No topic suggestions at present.
Undefined behaviour
No topic suggestions at present.

An astute reader should notice that there are a few topics that are mentioned in multiple modules. This highlights that the above modules could perhaps be further refined or that certain topics cannot be taught in isolation. Given that features of C++ are designed to work with one another, the author believes that the latter case is more likely. The reader should also note that both types and 'user-defined types' have been listed as modules and topics within other modules.

The author would like to propose that SG20 adopt the module/topic model -- even if it is in a different form to what is outlined above -- and begin discussing the kinds of modules desired, the topics underneath each module, the objectives for each module, and the relevant module outcomes associated with each objective.

5. Acknowledgements

The author would like to thank JC van Winkel for his direct feedback on this proposal, as well as the members of SG20 who provided feedback on P1389R0’s structure.


Informative References

Christopher Di Bella, Simon Brand, Michael Adams. Standing Document for SG20: Guidelines for Teaching C++ to Beginners. URL: https://wg21.link/p1389r0