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Summary of the Tooling Study Group’s Modules Ecosystem Technical Report Telecons

Published Proposal,

Issue Tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
EWG, SG2, SG15

1. Introduction

At the ISO C++ Kona 2019 meeting, the ISO C++ Committee’s Tooling Study Group, SG15, met to discuss concerns raised by various stakeholders about how modules would impact and interact with the broader C++ ecosystem (build systems, tools, other languages, etc). During that discussion, SG15 reached a consensus that the best way to prepare the C++ community for modules and ensure a smooth transition to modules over the next decade would be to prepare a C++ Modules Ecosystem Technical Report. At the ISO C++ Cologne 2019 meeting, the Evolution Working Group approved starting work on this Technical Report.

The Tooling Study Group has held a series of telecons to work on the Technical Report. This document contains a summary and detailed minutes for each of the telecons.

2. Summary of Meetings

Meeting Agenda Organizers
2019-08-02 Minutes
  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach.

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig.

2019-06-21 Minutes
  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach.

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig.

2019-06-07 Minutes
  • Plans for Pre-Cologne mailing papers.

  • Compiled Module Configuration (Michael Spencer).

  • New sg15@lists.isocpp.org mailing list.

  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach.

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig.

2019-05-24 Minutes
  • Compiled Module Distribution (Olga Arkhipova).

  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig

2019-05-10 Minutes
  • Chairing: Ben Craig

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig

2019-04-26 Minutes
  • Distributed Build Systems (Ben Craig, Mathias Stearn).

  • Clang Modules and Module Maps (Richard Smith).

  • New sg15@lists.isocpp.org mailing list.

  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach

  • Minute Taker: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Ben Craig

2019-04-12 Minutes
  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig

2019-04-05 Minutes
  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig

2019-03-22 Minutes
  • Suggested outline for the proposed C++ Ecosystem Technical.

  • Chairing: Ben Craig

  • Minute Taker: Tom Honermann

2019-03-08 Minutes
  • Schedule for pre-Cologne Tooling Study Group telecons.

  • Scope, priorities, and goals for the proposed C++ Ecosystem Technical Report.

  • Chairing: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach

  • Minute Taker: Ben Craig

3. Meeting Minutes

Minutes omitted from this revision can be found in prior revisions:

3.1. 2019-08-02 Meeting Minutes


Chair Notes (Bryce Adelstein Lelbach):


POLL: Which names can you tolerate? (Vote as many times as you like)

Name Votes
Binary Module Interface (BMI) 10
Built Module Interface (BMI) 8
Compiled Module Interface (CMI) 6
PreCompiled Module (PCM) 4
Module Interface Metadata (MIM) 3
Module Interface Cache (MIC) 4
Importable Module Artifact (IMA) 9

POLL: Which name do you prefer?

Name Votes
Binary Module Interface (BMI) 5
Built Module Interface (BMI) 5
Importable Module Artifact (IMA) 1

CONSENSUS: We like the acronym BMI.

Action Items:

Minutes (Ben Craig):

POLL: Which names can you tolerate? (Vote as many times as you like)

Name Votes
Binary Module Interface (BMI) 10
Built Module Interface (BMI) 8
Compiled Module Interface (CMI) 6
PreCompiled Module (PCM) 4
Module Interface Metadata (MIM) 3
Module Interface Cache (MIC) 4
Importable Module Artifact (IMA) 9

POLL: Which name do you prefer?

Name Votes
Binary Module Interface (BMI) 5
Built Module Interface (BMI) 5
Importable Module Artifact (IMA) 1

3.2. 2019-06-21 Meeting Minutes


Chair Notes (Bryce Adelstein Lelbach):

Minutes (Ben Craig):

Ben Boeckel presents P1689.

Olga and Lukasz present P1788.