Short name |
Expanded name |
Description |
Cty |
AE |
United Arab Emirates |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AE |
AeA |
American Electronics Association |
US |
Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification) |
AENOR es una entidad dedicada al desarrollo de la normalización y la certificación (N+C) en todos los sectores industriales y de servicios. Tiene como propósito contribuir a mejorar la calidad y la competitividad de las empresas, así como proteger el medio ambiente. Su presencia en los foros internacionales, europeos y americanos garantiza la participación de nuestro país en el desarrollo de la normalización y el reconocimiento internacional de la certificación de AENOR. AENOR es el miembro español de las organizaciones internacionales ISO e IEC y europeas CEN y CENELEC, encargadas del desarrollo de la normalización en sus ámbitos geográficos correspondientes y que agrupan a los organismos nacionales de normalización de los diferentes países. Además en el ámbito americano, es miembro de la COPANT. Participa activamente, tanto en los órganos de gobierno como en el desarrollo de los trabajos técnicos. De esta manera, AENOR representa los intereses nacionales en el campo de N+C ante estas organizaciones y es la vía de acceso para los expertos españoles en la elaboración de los trabajos técnicos llevados a cabo por los comités técnicos de las mismas. Por lo que respecta al área de certificación, interviene en el Comité de Evaluación de la Conformidad (CASCO), comité consultivo de ISO, encargado de la elaboración de orientaciones políticas en este ámbito. Es miembro de los siguientes órganos, en muchos de los cuales ha participado en su fundación: IECEE/CCB Management Committee, órgano de gestión del esquema internacional de certificación de productos eléctricos. Asociación Europea de Certificación de Productos Eléctricos (EEPCA). Red Internacional de Certificación (IQNet). Red Mundial de Etiquetado Ecológico (GEN). |
ES |
AF |
Afghanistan |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AF |
Afghanistan |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AF |
Association for Font Information Interchange |
AFII was the registration authority for ISO/IEC 10036. The activity of AFII has stopped. |
Afilias |
Afilias Limited |
Afilias is a global provider of Internet domain name registry services. Afilias is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland and maintains a sales office in London, sales and operational facilities in Toronto, Canada, and administrative offices in the U.S., near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Afilias is a privately held Irish limited corporation. It was founded in 2000 by a consortium of ICANN-accredited domain name registrars. In November, 2000, Afilias was selected by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to launch and operate .INFO, the first new gTLD in 17 years. .INFO launched in 2001 and has become the most successful of the new gTLDs. In 2002, Afilias acquired LibertyRMS, its back-end provider, and now operates it as a wholly owned subsidiary. In addition to .INFO, Afilias provides registry services to support the .VC (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) ccTLD. Afilias is an affiliate of AusRegistry Pty. Ltd., the registry operator for the,,, and second level domains. CENTR member [.info] |
Association Francaise de Normalisation |
Member of CEN, ISO |
FR |
Association des utilisateurs de linux et du logiciel libre |
FR |
Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d’Unix |
FR |
AG |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AG |
AG |
Assemblee General / General Assembly |
> CEN |
Angola |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AO |
AI |
Anguilla |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AI |
Anguilla |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
AI |
ANSI ISO Council |
US |
International Advisory Committee Forum |
> ANSI |
US |
Administrations Interest Group |
> ETSI |
Australian Information Industry Association |
IIIC member |
AU |
British Standards Institution |
GB |
BT |
Technical Board > CENELEC |
BT |
Bhutan |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BT |
Bhutan |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BT |
BV |
Bouvet Island |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BV |
Bouvet Island |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BV |
BW |
Botswana |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BW |
Botswana |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BW |
BY |
Belarus |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BY |
BZ |
Belize |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
BZ |
CA |
Canada |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
CA |
CA |
Committee of Action |
> IEC |
Conformity Assessment Board |
> IEC |
Consumer Advisory Committee, |
FCC committee, formerly known as the Consumer/Disability Telecommunications Advisory Committee. The CAC will consider among other issues billing, customer service, privacy, access to telecommunications products and services, and the impact on consumers of new and emerging technologies including the digital TV transition. |
US |
Czech Association of Cable Communications |
Its aim is to contribute to an updated infrastructure and information society in the Czech Republic. |
CZ |
Central African Republic |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
CF |
Canada |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
CA |
Council Committee on Conformity Assessment |
> ISO |
CB |
Council Board |
> IEC |
Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association |
Replaced |
US |
CC |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
CC |
CC |
Compilation of comments on a Secretary Draft |
Document type code for CENELEC technical body documents |
Comité Consultatif International pour le Télégraphe et le Téléphone (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) |
Now called ITU-T |
UN |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
CC |
China Communications Standards Association |
CN |
CD |
Committee Draft |
> IEC, > ISO, > JTC 1 |
CD |
Secretariat Draft |
Document type code for CENELEC technical body documents |
Cultural Diversity in ICT systems |
CEN/ISSS Denotes that part of “cultural diversity” that is deemed to be of particular interest to the field of information and communication technology and the ICT industry. |
Cultural Diversity Steering Group |
CEN/ISSS Task description: The CDSG, reporting to the CEN/ISSS Forum, advises on coordination of activities at the technical level, for issues relating to CDICT (Cultural Diversity in ICT systems), including recommending allocation and supervision of work, either within or outside of CEN. It offers a forum for discussion and coordination. Objectives: To establish detailed proposals for an initial work programme in the area of CDICT To recommend lead responsibilities for proposed new work items, within CEN in TC 304 or specific Workshops as appropriate To recommend funding sources for any work that needs to be carried on To function as a focus for liaison, technology watch, and dissemination |
Committee Draft for Vote |
> IEC, > ISO, > JTC 1 |
Commission of the European Communities |
Former designation of the European Commission |
Comité Européen de Normalisation / European Committee for Standardization |
Objectives CEN’s mission is to promote voluntary technical harmonization in Europe in conjunction with worldwide bodies and its partners in Europe. Harmonization diminishes trade barriers, promotes safety, allows interoperability of products, systems and services, and promotes common technical understanding. In Europe, CEN works in partnership with CENELEC – the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization ( and ETSI – the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ( For a longer and more detailed description go here. |
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique / European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization |
It has been officially recognised as the European Standards Organisation in its field by the European Commission in Directive 83/189/EEC. Its members have been working together in the interests of European harmonisation since the late fifties, developing alongside the European Economic Community. CENELEC works with 35,000 technical experts from 19 European countries to publish standards for the European market. |
Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries |
The project that became CENTR was formed in March 1998 and was informally funded by participant registries. In 1999, it was legally established as a not-for-profit company in the UK, limited by guarantee. CENTR activities are funded by membership fees and a small secretariat is co-located with the UK national registry, Nominet UK. The organisation has a European focus, but there are no geographical restrictions to membership. CENTR currently has several non-European members. CENTR provides a forum to discuss matters of policy affecting ccTLD registries and acts as a channel of communication to Internet governing bodies and other organisations involved with the Internet. It promotes the interests of not-for-profit ccTLDs and lobbies on their behalf. The rules and registration procedures of ccTLD registries vary considerably and CENTR aims to collect information on, and document the practices of ccTLD registries. It provides a focal point for enquiries on such matters and encourages amongst ccTLDs the provision of better service for users. CENTR also facilitates collaborative projects on technical managerial and legal issues affecting ccTLDs. Members: |
Internet Architecture Board |
IABForum |
Information and Telecommunications Accessibility Promotion Standard Forum |
Many new telecommunication devices and information services have appeared in the market with the development of information technology. However most of them cannot be easily used by the people with disabilities and the elderly due to the lack of accessibility. The purpose of this forum is to promote accessibility of telecommunication devices and information services through the sharing of relevant information among developers and scholars in this field. Major activities: Information
sharing on the trend of accessibility relevant technologies such as voice
recognition and synthesis, web authoring, etc. Development of methods and tools needed to implement accessibility evaluation on telecommunication devices and information services International cooperation and participation of international standard organizations(ISO, W3C) Promotion of public awareness on accessibility issues thorough holding seminar and operating homepage |
KR |
International Components for Unicode |
The International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. ICU supports the most current version of the Unicode standard, and they provide support for supplementary Unicode characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support). ICU is an open source development project sponsored, supported, and used by IBM. It is dedicated to providing robust, full-featured, commercial quality, freely available Unicode-based technologies. The ICU project is licensed under the X License (see also the original), which is compatible with GPL but non-viral (see License Announcement). The ICU library supports multi-threading environments, and is available in C, C++ and Java (for the latter see ICU for Java). |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Objective: To promote the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electrical and information technologies and sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession. The IEEE hosts 40 technical societies and councils. |
US |
Internet Engineering Steering Group |
Internet Engineering Task Force |
The operation of IETF is overseen by IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group, consisting of the Area Directors) and IAB (Internet Architecture Board). The organizational “home” for all of the above is ISOC, the Internet Society, which holds copyright of all material published by IETF. IETF publishes RFCs (originally standing for Request for Comments) that are either “standards track” documents or informational. |
International Committee for Information Technology Standards |
Formerly X3, formerly NCITS |
US |
India |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
IN |
IS |
Iceland |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
IS |
IS |
International Standard |
International Organization for Standardization |
Principal functions and activities: ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies at present comprising 130 members, one in each country. The object of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating international exchange of goods and services, and to developing co-operation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity. The scope of ISO covers international standardization in all fields except electrical and electronic engineering standardization, which is the responsibility of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The results of ISO technical work are published as International Standards. To date, more than 11,200 ISO International Standards are available on a wide range of subjects. Many standards deal with the prevention of occupational risks, covering topics ranging from protective clothing to safety colours and signs to safety requirements and human factors in respect of operation of machinery to workplace environment factors, etc. ISO standardization activities also include the widely recognised ISO 9000 family of quality management and quality assurance standards and the ISO 14000 series of environmental management system standards. |
Internet Society |
ISOC is a professional membership society with more than 150 organization and 11,000 individual members in over 182 countries. It provides leadership in addressing issues that confront the future of the Internet, and is the organization home for the groups responsible for Internet infrastructure standards, including the IETF and the IAB. The Internet Society … Facilitates open development of standards, protocols, administration and the technical infrastructure of the Internet Supports education in developing countries specifically, and wherever the need exists Promotes professional development and opportunities for association to Internet leadership Provides reliable information about the Internet Provides forums for discussion of issues that affect Internet evolution, development and use – technical, commercial, societal, etc. Fosters an environment for international cooperation, community, and a culture that enables self-governance to work Serves as a focal point for cooperative efforts to promote the Internet as a positive tool to benefit all people throughout the world Provides management and coordination for on-strategy initiatives and outreach efforts – humanitarian, educational, societal, etc. |
European Co-ordination Council of ISOC Chapters |
Soon to be incorporated (as of March 2003) |
International Standard Serial Number |
Information Society Standardization System |
The mission of CEN/ISSS is to provide market players with a comprehensive and integrated range of standardization-oriented services and products, in order to contribute to the success of the Information Society in Europe. |
Icelandic Council for Standardization |
ISO Member |
IS |
International standard textual work code |
> ISO / TC 46 / SC 9 / WG 3 |
International standard work code |
> ISO / TC 46 / SC 9 / WG 2 |
IT |
Italy |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
IT |
Italy |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
IT |
NI |
Nicaragua |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
NI |
NI |
Normenausschuss Informationstechnik (Information Technology Standards Committee) |
The area of work of N) includes the development of standards in the field of Information Technology with the aim to improv the productivity/efficiency and quality of IT systems, to enhance the security of IT systems and data, to support the portability of software programs, to ensure the interoperability of IT products and systems, to unify software development tools and environment and to ensure the designing of ergonomic user interfaces. The structure of NI and the work program of its committees are specifically orientated towards those of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 due to the priority status of international standardization. NI also participates in the European Standardization work of CEN/ISSS "Information Society Standardization System". Consequently NI is the German mirror committee of ISO/IEC JTC 1 "Information Technology" and CEN/ISSS (Information Society Standadization System) respectively. |
DE |
National Informatics Centre |
IN |
Network Information Center |
Nicaragua |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
NI |
National Information Standards Organization |
Develops and promotes technical standards used in a wide variety of information services. NISO is accredited as a standards developer by the American National Standards Institute, the national clearinghouse for voluntary standards development in the U.S. |
US |
National Institute for Standards and Technology |
Established 1901 (as National Bureau of Standards) Objectives: The National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Technology Administration, was established by Congress “to assist industry in the development of technology needed to improve product quality, to modernize manufacturing processes, to ensure product reliability and to facilitate rapid commercialization of products based on new scientific discoveries”. Areas of activity: The Information Technology program within the wide coverage of NIST is involved in projects in the following areas: Advanced Networking Technologies Convergent Information Systems Information Access and User Interfaces Information Services and Computing |
US |
National Information Technology Center |
NP |
Nepal |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
NP |
NP |
New Work Item Proposal |
Used in IEC and ISO |
Open Applications Group |
The mission of OAG is to define and encourage the adoption of a unifying standard for eBusiness and Application Software interoperability that reduces customer cost and time to deploy solutions. |
Organization of American States |
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
OASIS has more than 500 corporate and individual members in 100 countries around the world. OASIS and the United Nations jointly sponsor ebXML, a global framework for e-business data exchange. OASIS operates, a community clearinghouse for XML application schemas, vocabularies and related documents. OASIS hosts The Cover Pages, an online reference collection for interoperable markup language standards. The OASIS Network includes UDDI, CGM Open and LegalXML. SGML Open |
Organization for Internet Security |
OIS is actively working to develop guidelines for handling vulnerability information that will be useful for security researchers and technology vendors alike. |
OM |
Oman |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
OM |
O-Member |
Observer Member |
(of a TC or SC) |
Object Management Group |
Objectives: To create a component-based software marketplace by hastening the introduction of standardized object software. The organization aims at the establishment of industry guidelines and detailed object management specifications to provide a common framework for application development. Areas of activity: In 2000, OMG and the Meta Data Coalition (MDC) merged in order to combine efforts to further a data warehousing standard for use of meta data, specifically, to combine OMG’s Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) and the Open Information Model (OIM) from the Meta Data Coalition. Other specifications developed by OMG include the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), and the Object Management Architecture (OMA). |
ON |
Österreichisches Normungsinstitut / |
ISO member |
AT |
Open Group |
The Open Group |
Open Group Messaging Forum |
The Open Group Messaging Forum |
Open Group Security Forum |
The Open Group’s Security Forum |
Addresses all aspects of security in distributed computing environments and mobile/wireless computing. Coverage is global, and includes policy and legal/regulatory as well as technical issues. |
Open Software Foundation |
By merging X/Open and OSF The Open Group was created to “strengthen and streamline the entire open systems process”. |
Publicly Available Specification |
> IEC, > JTC 1 |
P-Member |
Participating Member |
(of a TC or SC) |
prEN |
Preliminary European Norm |
Draft European Standard |
Puerto Rico |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
PR |
PW |
Programme of Work |
Document type code for CENELEC technical body documents |
RosettaNet |
RosettaNet |
Objectives: RosettaNet is a self-funded, non-profit consortium of major Information Technology, Electronic Components and Semiconductor Manufacturing and Solution Provider companies working to create, implement and promote industry-wide, open e-business process standards. These standards form a common e-business language, aligning processes between supply chain partners on a global basis. Areas of activity: RosettaNet focuses on building a master dictionary to define properties for products, partners, and business transactions. This master dictionary, coupled with an established implementation framework (exchange protocols), is used to support the eBusiness dialog known as the Partner Interface Process (PIP). RosettaNet offers a nonproprietary solution, encompassing data dictionaries, implementation framework, and business message schemas and process specifications, for e-business standardization. RosettaNet standards include the Business Dictionary, Technical Dictionary, Implementation Framework (RNIF) and Partner Interface Processes (PIPs). The PIPs specify the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for Global Product Identifier, the UN/SPSC (a code standard for classifying products and services) for Global Class Identifier, and Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) for Global Company Identifier. RosettaNet standards are available to the public free of charge. On 1st August 2002 UCC merged with Rosettanet. Under the agreement, RosettaNet will become a subsidiary of the UCC, while continuing to operate as a separate entity serving its members. |
SC |
Seychelles |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
SC |
SC |
Steering Committee |
SC |
Sub-Committee |
SC 2 |
Coded character sets |
JTC 1 sub-committee Area of work: Standardization of graphic character sets and their characteristics, associated control functions, their coded representation for information interchange, and code extension techniques. Structure: There are two active Working Groups: • WG 2 – Multi-octet codes • WG 3 – 7 and 8 bit codes and their extension WG 3 is relatively inactive, although a number of its International Standards are still relevant. WG 2 is the home of ISO/IEC 10646 (cf Unicode). |
SC 22 |
Programming languages and system interfaces |
JTC 1 subcommittee with many working groups: |
SC 27 |
IT Security Techniques |
JTC1 sub-committee |
SC 29 |
Coding of Audio, Picture, and Multimedia and Hypermedia Information |
JTC1 sub-committee |
SC 32 |
Data management and interchange |
JTC1 sub-committee Area of work: Standards for data management within and among local and distributed information systems environments. SC 32 provides enabling technologies to promote harmonization of data management facilities across sectorspecific areas. Specifically, SC 32 standards include: reference models and frameworks for the coordination of existing and emerging standards; definition of data domains, data types and data structures, and their associated semantics; languages, services and protocols for persistent storage, concurrent access, concurrent update and interchange of data; methods, languages, services and protocols to structure, organize and register metadata and other information resources associated with sharing and interoperability, including electronic commerce. Structure: ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 32 has five Working Groups and one “RG” (for the maintenance of ISO/IEC 10032). • WG 1 – Open EDI • WG 2 – MetaData • WG 3 – Database language • WG 4 – SQL/Multimedia and application packages • WG 5 – Database access and interchange |
SC 35 |
User interfaces |
JTC1 sub-committee Scope: Standardization in the field of interfaces between users (including people with special needs) and system, encompassing input and output devices in information technology environments, with the priority of meeting the JTC 1 requirements for cultural and linguistic adaptability. The standardization work on SC 35 includes the following areas: • Interfaces between users and devices, such as keyboards, mice, pointers, pens, visual displays, and forms of audio and tactile input/output with the emphasis on functionality. • Rules for system control by voice, vision, movement, gestures, etc. • Presentation techniques, graphical symbols, icons etc. • Dialogue control and navigation in interactions between humans and systems assistance and tutoring. Structure: • WG 1 – Keyboards and input interfaces • WG 2 – User interface interaction • WG 3 – Graphical symbols • WG 4 – User interfaces for mobile devices • WG 5 – Cultural, linguistic and user requirements • WG 6 – User interfaces for disabled and elderly people |
SC 36 |
Learning technology |
JTC1 sub-committee Area of work: Standardization in the area of information technologies that support automation for learners, learning institutions, and learning resources. Excluded: The SC shall not create standards or technical reports that define educational standards, cultural conventions, learning objectives, or specific learning content. Structure: WG 1 – Vocabulary WG 2 – Collaborative technology WG 3 – Learner information |
Standards Development Board |
US |
Standards Development Organization |
Finnish Electrotechnical Standards Association |
FI |
SG 17 |
ITU-T Study Group 17 - Data Networks and Telecommunication Software |
Lead Study
Group on frame relay, communication system security, languages and
description techniques. |
UN |
SGML Open |
SGML Open |
Renamed OASIS in 1998 |
Special Interest Group |
Standards Institution of Israel |
ISO member IQNet member |
IL |
T1 |
Committee T1: Telecommunications Standards Committee |
Develops technical standards and reports regarding interconnection and interoperability of telecommunications networks at interfaces with end-user systems, carriers, information and enhanced-service providers, and customer premises equipment (CPE). Committee T1 has six technical subcommittees that are advised and managed by the T1 Advisory Group (T1AG). Each technical subcommittee develops draft standards and technical reports in its designated areas of expertise. The subcommittees recommend positions on matters under consideration by other national and international standards bodies. Technical subcommittees and their areas of expertise are: T1A1 Performance and Signal Processing T1E1 Interfaces, Power and Protection of Networks T1M1 Internetwork Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning T1P1 Wireless/Mobile Services and Systems T1S1 Services, Architectures and Signaling T1X1 Digital Hierarchy and Synchronization |
US |
Technical Advisory Group |
TC |
Technical Committee |
TC 37 |
Terminology and other language resources |
ISO Technical Committee Scope: Standardization of principles, methods and applications relating to terminology and other language resources. Scope of subcommittees SC 1 – Principles and methods: Standardization of basic principles and methods for developing scientific and technical terminologies and other language resources. SC 2 – Terminography and lexicography: Standardization of the application of principles and methods in terminology work, terminography and lexicography. SC 3 – Computer applications: Standardization of models for information processing and of related coding systems applicable to terminology work and terminography. SC 4 – Language resource management: Standardization of specifications for computer-assisted language resource management. |
TC 46 |
Information and documentation |
ØISO Technical Committee Scope: Standardization of practices relating to libraries, documentation and information centres, indexing and abstracting services, archives, information science and publishing. Structure WG 2 – Coding of country names and related entities WG 3 – Conversion of written languages WG 4 – Terminology of information and documentation SC 4 – Computer applications in information and documentation SC 4 / WG 1 – Character sets SC 4 / WG 4 – Format structures for bibliographic information interchange in machine readable form SC 4 / WG 6 – Electronic publishing SC 4 / WG 7 – Data elements SC 4 / WG 8 – Library codes SC 8 – Quality – Statistics and performance evaluation SC 8 / WG 2 – International library statistics SC 8 / WG 4 – Performance indicators for libraries SC 9 – Identification and description SC 9 / WG 1 – International standard audiovisual number (ISAN) SC 9 / WG 2 – International standard work code (ISWC) SC 9 / WG 3 – International standard textual work code (ISTC) SC 9 / WG 4 – International standard book numbering (ISBN) SC 11 – Archives/records management |
TC 68 |
Banking, securities and other financial services |
ISO Technical Committee |
TC 176 |
ISO Technical Committee responsible for the development of the ISO 9000 and 10000 series |
The Open Group |
The Open Group |
Objectives: The Open Group was created by merging X/Open and OSF to “strengthen and streamline the entire open systems process”. The mission of The Open Group is to offer all organizations concerned with open information infrastructures a forum where they can share knowledge, integrate open initiatives, and certify approved products and processes. Areas of activity: The Open Group is a federation of semi-autonomous I. Each forum addresses a specific functional area, is broadly based and includes business, legal and regulatory, and technical elements. There are currently nine Open Group I: Directory Interoperability Forum Electronic Messaging Association (EMA) Forum Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum The Open Group is the owner of the UNIX® Trademark and it is the certification authority for UNIX products, providing the test suites and certification for conformant products. |
Technical Management Board |
> ISO |
Unicode |
Unicode Consortium |
Objectives: To promote reliable transmission of character data between different systems and applications, enabling the use of a rich character repertoire. Areas of activity: Continuous development of the Unicode standard, which defines the universal character set and the behavior and relationships between characters in it. The consortium works in cooperation with ISO/IEC JTC1 so that the Unicode standard and the ISO 10646 standard are harmonized. In the area of promoting multilingualism on the WWW, the consortium works in close cooperation with the W3C. The Unicode Technical Committee (UTC), which is responsible for the development and maintenance, has the following subcommittees: Bidi (birectional writing), Editorial , Scripts and Symbols, and East Asian. Membership: Members of the Consortium include major computer corporations, software producers, database vendors, research institutions, international agencies, various user groups, and interested individuals. |
UniForum |
UniForum Association |
Serves as a professional association for end users, developers, and vendors to promote and exchange information about the practices and benefits of open technologies and related hardware, software, applications and standards. |
URI Forum |
URI Forum |
The purposes of the Forum are : - to promote the development and standardization of advanced URI, an advanced system of management of universal information resources of the Internet, through close cooperation, concerted efforts and collaboration of industrial, academic and R&D organizations and institutes in the nation. - to promote active participation in the process of developing and internationally standardizing the next-generation URI currently underway on the initiative of advanced nations. - to contribute to the enhancement of Internet infrastructure through rapid advancement of systems for identification of and access to digital information and knowledge resources of the Internet. |
KR |
Uruguay |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
UY |
US |
United States |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
US |
United States |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
US |
Unicode Technical Committee |
The UTC, which is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Unicode standard , has the following subcommittees: Bidi (birectional writing), Editorial , Scripts and Symbols, and East Asian. |
United Telecom Council |
US |
Unicode Technical Reports |
> Unicode Consortium |
Unicode Technical Standard |
> Unicode Consortium |
W3C |
World Wide Web Consortium |
The W3C was founded to develop common protocols for the evolution of the World Wide Web. It is an international industry consortium, jointly hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science [MIT/LCS] in the United States, INRIA in Europe, and the Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus in Asia. Activities: There are five Domains: Architecture: Enhancing the infrastructure of the Web and increasing its automation. Includes: Document Object Model (DOM); Jigsaw server; Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); Extensible Markup Language (XML); XML Protocol. Document Formats: Improving the technology that allows Web users to effectively perceive and express information. Includes: Amaya browser; Graphics; including Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Web Computer Graphics Metafile (WebCGM), and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG); Hypertext Markup Language (HTML); Internationalization (I18N); Maths, including Mathematical Markup Language (MathML); Style Sheets, including Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and eXtensible Style Sheet Language (XSL). Interaction: Exploring new ways to access Web information. Includes: Device Independence; Synchronized Multimedia, including Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL); Voice Browser. Technology and Society: Understanding the social impact of the Web and reaching out to affected communities. Includes: Privacy, including Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P); Semantic Web; XML Encryption; XML Signature. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Improving accessibility to web resources for those with disabilities. This work is split into a WAI International Program Office (IPO) and a WAI Technical Activity. In addition, the Quality Assurance (QA) Activity has been launched whose primary mission is to improve the quality of W3C specification implementation in the field.
Web Accessibility Initiative |
, in coordination with organizations around
the Online Overview: |
WG |
Working Group |
World Intellectual Property Organization |
UN |
Wireless Internet Content Selection Standardization Forum |
Wireless Internet Content Selection Standardization Forum |
The purpose of the forum is to contribute to the protection of minors from being threatened by harmful information on wireless Internet by developing standards or proposals for standardization of wireless Internet content selection system. |
KR |
WWW Consortium |
World Wide Web Consortium |
See W3C |
X/Open |
X/Open |
By merging X/Open and OSF The Open Group was created to “strengthen and streamline the entire open systems process”. |
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Mission: Accelerate the global utilization and adoption of XML by providing an open and Non-profit industry portal that brings together all members of the XML community, including technologists, developers, and businesspeople. will achieve this mission by: Providing an open registry and repository for XML specifications, schemas, and other information consistent with our mission Offering resources such as XML news, information, tools, education/training, and other references Building an online environment to facilitate collaboration and convergence Maintaining a respected profile as a non-commercial, high-quality information base supported by corporate sponsors committed to the advancement of open XML standards To attain our mission, it is essential to provide an environment that facilitates and fosters collaboration, improve our web site usability and stickiness, enhance our support and technology infrastructure to scale, and secure influential sponsorship endorsement and the necessary funding. |
Zimbabwe |
Country code from ISO 3166 |
ZW |