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Improved Normal Enumerations

Published Proposal,

Previous Revisions:
N2908 (r0), Derived from N2575 (r2)
Paper Source:
GitHub ThePhD/future_cxx
Issue Tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 9899: Programming Language — C
Proposal Category:
Feature Request


Enumerations should allow values greater than INT_MAX and smaller than INT_MIN.

1. Changelog

1.1. Revision 1 - April 12sth, 2022

1.2. Revision 0 - January 1st, 2022

2. Introduction and Motivation

C always designates int as the type for the enumerators of its enumerations, but it’s entirely unspecified what the (underlying compatible) type for the enum will end up being. These constants (and the initializers for those constants) must fit within an int, otherwise it is a constraint violation. For decades, compilers have been silently providing extensions in their default build modes for enumerations to be larger than int, even if _Generic and friends always detects the type of such an enumerator to be int. It is problematic to only have enumerators which are int, especially since it is only guaranteed to be 16-bits wide. Portability breaks happen between normal 32-bit int environments like typical GCC and Clang x86 platforms vs. 16-bit int environments like SDCC microcontroller targets, which is not desirable.

This proposal provides for enumerations with enumerators of values greater than INT_MAX and smaller than INT_MIN to have enumerators that are of a different type than int, allowing the underlying type and the enumeration constants themselves to be of a different type. It does not change behavior for any enumeration constants which were within the [INT_MAX, INT_MIN] range already.

3. Prior Art

The design of this feature is to enable what has been existing practice on implementations for a long time now, including GCC, SDCC, Clang, and several other compilers. Compilers have allowed for values greater than INT_MAX and values less than INT_MIN for a long time in their default compilation modes. We capture this as part of the design discussion below, for how we structure these proposed changes to the C Standard.

4. Design

This is a very small change that only makes previously ill-formed code now well-formed. It does not provide any other guarantees from the new wording besides allowing constants larger than int to be used with enumerations. Better enumeration types and values are better left with the sister paper on Enhanced Enumerations.

More specifically:

Particularly, this code:

enum a {

int main () {
	return _Generic(a0,
		unsigned long long: 0,
		int: 1,
		default: 2);

Should produce a value of 0 on a normal implementations (but can give other values, so long as the underlying type is big enough to fit a number (264 - 1)). It shall also not produce a diagnostic on even the most strict implementations.

4.1. Using the Enumerators Midway in the Definition List

Given this following code snippet:

#include <limits.h>

#define GET_TYPE_INT(x) _Generic(x, \
	char: 1,\
	unsigned char: 2,\
	signed char: 3,\
	short: 4,\
	unsigned short: 5,\
	int: 6,\
	unsigned int: 7,\
	long: 8,\
	unsigned long: 9,\
	long long: 10,\
	unsigned long long: 11,\
	default: 0xFF\

enum x {
	a = INT_MAX,
	a_type = GET_TYPE_INT(a),
	b_type = GET_TYPE_INT(b)

#include <stdio.h>

int main () {
	printf("sizeof(long)=%d\n", (int)sizeof(long));
	printf("sizeof(long long)=%d\n", (int)sizeof(long long));
	printf("a_type=%d\n", (int)a_type);
	printf("b_type=%d\n", (int)b_type);
	printf("GET_TYPE_INT(a), outside=%d\n", (int)GET_TYPE_INT(a));
	printf("GET_TYPE_INT(b), outside=%d\n", (int)GET_TYPE_INT(b));
	return 0;

Compilers are not consistent, depending on how far with extensions they like to go. Anyone who was depending on a specific type was not relying on either (a) compilable C code, according to the C standard, or (b) widely-existing cross-platform C code, according to what implementation extensions do. Therefore, we attempt to enshrine the best of the available existing practice and improve the status quo.

4.1.1. Midway Type: Whatever the Compiler Chooses

During the definition of an enumeration type, the enumeration constants themselves have whatever type the enumeration wants if they are not representable by int. This is as consistent as we can be for existing code that relies on using existing enumeration constants at definition time.

4.1.2. Final Type: the Enumerated Type

After the enumeration type’s definition is completed (after the }), the enumeration constants have the enumeration type (but only when all the constants are not representable by int). The reason we want to specify it this way is because implementations are wildly varying on how they handle this today in their extensions, with no clear consensus on how it is done. That is, using existing extensions today in various compilers, adding 3 extra lines to modify the snippet from the up-level section:

#include <limits.h>

#define GET_TYPE_INT(x) _Generic(x, \
	char: 1,\
	unsigned char: 2,\
	signed char: 3,\
	short: 4,\
	unsigned short: 5,\
	int: 6,\
	unsigned int: 7,\
	long: 8,\
	unsigned long: 9,\
	long long: 10,\
	unsigned long long: 11,\
	default: 0xFF\

enum x {
	a = INT_MAX,
	a_type = GET_TYPE_INT(a),
	b_type = GET_TYPE_INT(b)

extern enum x e_a;
extern __typeof(b) e_a;
extern __typeof(a) e_a;

// …

results in various failures on today’s implementations. This is because a and b are of different types (a is an int and not compatible with enum x; or typeof(b), since those are both compatible with long or long long depending on the selection done by the implementation). We feel it is worthwhile to clarify this and make it more consistent.

There is no way to make such code portable, as it was (A) already using an extension that was not standardized until before C23 and (B) already relied in an implementation detail that could change between implementations, but also within a given implementation (e.g., -fshort-enum). The above code is utterly non-portable, and outside of what we can possibly concern ourselves with when trying to provide at least some degree of standardized behavior. We can fix this by providing a consistent choice of the underlying integer type of enum x for the integer constants when used after the closing brace of }. We expect this to be the best possible and most consistent choice for enumerations going forward.

5. Proposed Wording

The following wording is relative to N2731.

5.1. Intent

The intent of the wording is to provide the ability to express enumerations with the underlying type present. In particular:

5.2. Proposed Specification

5.2.1. Modify Section § Enumeration constants Enumeration constants




An identifier declared as an enumeration constant for an enumeration has type int the compatible integer type of the enumeration, as defined in

Forward references: enumeration specifiers (

5.2.2. Modify Section § Enumeration constants Enumeration specifiers


enum attribute-specifier-sequenceopt identifieropt { enumerator-list }

enum attribute-specifier-sequenceopt identifieropt { enumerator-list , }

enum identifier



enumerator-list , enumerator


enumeration-constant attribute-specifier-sequenceopt

enumeration-constant attribute-specifier-sequenceopt = constant-expression


The expression that defines the value of an enumeration constant shall be an integer constant expression. that has a value representable as an int. For all the integer constant expressions which make up the values of the enumeration constant, there shall be an implementation-defined signed or unsigned integer type (excluding the bit-precise integer types) capable of representing all of the values.


The identifiers in an enumerator list are declared as constants and may appear wherever such are permitted.133) An enumerator with = defines its enumeration constant as the value of the constant expression. If the first enumerator has no =, the value of its enumeration constant is 0. Each subsequent enumerator with no = defines its enumeration constant as the value of the constant expression obtained by adding 1 to the value of the previous enumeration constant. (The use of enumerators with = may produce enumeration constants with values that duplicate other values in the same enumeration.) The enumerators of an enumeration are also known as its members.

During the processing of each enumeration constant in the enumerator list, the type of the enumeration constant shall be:

int, if there are no previous enumeration constants in the enumerator list and no explicit = with a defining integer constant expression; or,

int, if given explicitly with = and the value of the integer constant expression is representable by an int; or,

— the type of the integer constant expression, if given explicitly with = and if the value of the integer constant expression is not representable by int; or,

— the type of the value from last enumeration constant with 1 added to it. If such an integer constant expression would overflow the value of the previous enumeration constant from the addition of 1, the type takes on either: a suitably sized signed integer type (excluding the bit-precise signed integer types), or a suitably sized unsigned integer type (excluding the bit-precise unsigned integer types), capable of representing the value of the previous enumeration constant plus 1. A signed integer type is chosen if the previous enumeration constant being added is of signed integer type. An unsigned integer type is chosen if the previous enumeration constant is of unsigned integer type.

Each enumerated type shall be compatible with char, a signed integer type, or an unsigned integer type (excluding the bit-precise integer types) . The choice of type is implementation-defined139), but shall be capable of representing the values of all the members of the enumeration.

The enumerated type is incomplete until immediately after the } that terminates the list of enumerator declarations, and complete thereafter. The type of all the members of the enumeration upon completion is:

int if all the values of the enumeration are representable as an int; or,

— the enumerated type.FN0✨)

138)Thus, the identifiers of enumeration constants declared in the same scope are all required to be distinct from each other and from other identifiers declared in ordinary declarators.
139)An implementation can delay the choice of which integer type until all enumeration constants have been seen.
FN0✨)The type selected during processing of the enumerator list (before completion) of the enumeration may be incompatible from the type selected after the enumeration is completed.

5.2.3. Add implementation-defined enumeration behavior to Annex J

6. Acknowledgements

Thanks to:

We hope this paper serves you all well.